EMPLOYEE Spotlight

"Mrs. Schmidt works tirelessly with students in the gym, outside, & after school, building strong relationships along the way. She is always ready to step in & handle anything with confidence and grace. Her positive attitude & warm smile are a highlight each morning!"
- Emma Schmidt

"Mrs. Tisher has been a wonderful addition to the BLE team! Her creativity and fun ideas bring so much joy to learning for our students. She went above and beyond during the book fair, even sacrificing her planning time to assist teachers without library access."
- Missy Tisher

"Mrs. Koetting brings a smile & positive attitude every day, making her a bright & welcoming presence. She is kind & patient, always ready to lend a hand. Her love for her students shines through in everything she does, & her silliness & joy make BLE an even better place."
- Jennifer Koetting

"Mrs. Anderson has eagerly stepped into parent pick-up duty, ensuring students get to their cars safely and supervising those waiting in the gym. She’s always ready to help wherever it’s needed, and her absence is certainly felt on the days she’s not there."
- Lindsay Anderson

"Lauren has quickly made a positive impact, jumping in to help in countless ways both inside & outside the classroom. Her willingness to help & her collaborative spirit have already made a difference. Her dedication and enthusiasm are a tremendous asset to our building."
- Lauren Fallert

"She is always willing to help, sharing fantastic ideas with colleagues. Not only is she an incredible teacher, but her efforts with Dragon’s Den have been invaluable. She took the time to create routines & rules, making it easier for anyone stepping in to feel prepared."
- Ashley Gettinger

“Mrs. Kristi Byington has incredible dedication and commitment, and she is always working harder to make our school a better place. Kristi will spend countless hours preparing our building for the school year, and she is always ready to lend a hand!”
- Kristi Byington

“ Michelle Bader is incredibly helpful in getting our classrooms ready for the school year, and she takes pride in keeping our school clean for students, teachers and staff. We appreciated everything you do for BLE!”
- Michelle Bader