Bloomsdale Elementary Participates in Great Kindness Week

Bloomsdale Elementary participated in the Great Kindness Week Challenge the week of Jan. 25 - Jan. 29. Schools across the nation submit acts of kindness to celebrate the effect of kind acts. 

Bloomsdale Elementary participates in the Leader in Me program, and students took the lead for the activities and acts of kindness throughout the week. Ten fourth grade students volunteered their recess time in November, December and January to help plan the event. Students shared acts of kindness that inspired them on the Daily Announcements, they wrote letters to all faculty and staff to spread kindness, and they organized dress-up days and created posters to hang around the school.

This group was inspired to raise money for the local animal shelter. Students could buy tickets to either win: Pie a 4th Grader Kindness Leader in the Face, or Be Principal for the Day. Fifth grader Kara Richard was Bloomsdale Elementary principal on Wednesday, March 17. Mrs. Zuspann attended 5th grade classes for him this day! Several classrooms were inspired and facilitated their own random acts of kindness projects throughout the school!