Local Board of Education Member Geralyn Diesel Completes Training

The Ste. Genevieve County R-II School District would like to congratulate Board of Education member Geralyn Diesel for her participation in the Essential New Board Member Certification training sponsored by the Missouri School Boards’ Association. The 18.5 hours of training required of new board members in their first year of service combined online independent study with virtual interactive sessions held on June 4 and 5, 2021. 

The district administration and her fellow board members shared her achievement and congratulated Mrs. Diesel at the July 20, 2021, Board of Education meeting, where superintendent Dr. Flieg presented Mrs. Diesel with her Certificate of Achievement.

This new board member certification training places a strong emphasis on improving student achievement by providing guidance to board members on appropriate ways to evaluate and influence student performance in their local districts. Other topics addressed effective board operations, including information on the role of the school board in providing oversight of a school district, an overview of legal issues, techniques for establishing school district policy, fundamentals of school finance, protecting students from sexual misconduct, and the important role the school board plays in establishing school district goals.