Andrew Marzuco watches a butterfly as it lands on his hand.
Joan Flieg, the mother of Madeline Flieg; Abbey Engelmann and Choir teacher Michelle Jokerst.
Bobby Webb hands librarian Jessica Uding a check as a donation to the library.
Senior Xavier Moore Named May Rotary Student of the Month
Senior Abbey Engelmann Named May Elks Student of the Month
The students pose for a group photo.
Charles Corbett, Elaina Schemel, Lindsey Crump
Director of Field Experiences Kenneth Griffin presents the Ste. Genevieve R-II administration and high school administration with the 2018-2019 Best Partners Plaque. Pictured left to right: Director of Field Experiences Kenneth Griffin, high school Assistant Principal John Boyd, Jr., Assistant Superintendent Dr. Paul Taylor, Superintendent Dr. Julie Flieg and high school Principal Chris Hoehne.
Ice Sculpture
Carter Joggerst poses for a photo.
Officer Jacob Hutchings speaks with juniors about traffic safety.
The students pose for a group photo.
Spanish Classes Integrate Technology into Lessons
Senior Clayton Huck Recognized as Finalist for Southeast Missouri Superintendents Association’s Student of the Year Award
Rose Schwent poses for a photo.
Jessica Lucas (left), director of operations for the local McDonald’s, and Ste. Genevieve Elementary Principal Geri Diesel hold up the school’s check from McTeacher Night.
Rep. Jason Smith Attends Annual County Government Day
Two students pose for a photo while on delivery.
SGHS Celebrates Academic Achievements at Annual Dan Clark Honors Banquet
The students pose for a group photo.